The Beatles – Back In The U.S.S.R.

Written by: Paul McCartney
Released: 1968
Album: The Beatles (a/k/a The White Album)
When I got hooked: 1988
The thing that got me hooked: The airplane intro (hey, I was 8)

If I had to pick only one song that changed my life, this is it. This is were it all started for me. I was 8 years old and after hearing this for the first time there was no turning back. This made me interested in music.

I didn’t know then what I know now, like the fact that Ringo had temporarily left the band and Paul played the drums on the recording. I just loved the song – and of course the massive airplane intro.

«Back In The U.S.S.R.» is not one of the best songs The Beatles did (nevertheless far from the worst), but it will always be very special to me. And whenever I go to see Paul live, this is one of his standards that I always enjoy.

The russians were also pleased when Paul did his first gig there on May 24th. 2003 in Red Square in Moscow and played «Back In The U.S.S.R.». Twice, actually.